
The evolution of the FullDomeUk festival, which started at i-DAT in 2010, is primarily around establishing a UK FullDome Festival which operates at the international level of the German and Portuguese festivals. This has been clearly established with the help of the NSC and the internationalisation of the programme to include Canadian (SAT), Brazilian (United VJ’s) alongside the European partners.

The hosts for FULLDOME UK 2012 are the National Space Centre in Leicester. It is the UK’s largest visitor attraction dedicated to space and space exploration. The venue was the Sir Patrick Moore Dome which is the largest full dome environment in the UK. The event was this year supported by NSC Creative, the production company connected to the National Space Centre FullDome productions (such as “We Are Astronauts”).

In addition the FullDome UK 2012 saw the emergence of a new format and technologies to enable four realtime fulldome presentations by United VJS, RFID, SAT and Immersive. This was an historic moment in the evolution for fulldome environments which will revolutionise the development, production and distribution of fulldome content.




FullDome UK is a not-for-profit association supporting artists and researchers working within Fulldome immersive environments. FullDome UK organise events with the goal to promote Fulldome as an artistic medium in its own right, and as a platform for research into data visualisation, group collaboration and the effects of immersive environments on our perceptual and cognitive processes.

FullDome UK see the Fulldome context as rich site for development of new material that will satisfy the demand of audiences across Europe today for multisensory, participatory, immersive content that moves beyond the notion of the ‘screen’ into the idea of ‘environment’ which can be appropriate in both educational and entertainment contexts. There is now an increasing acknowledgement worldwide of how 3D experiences may change and enhance visual and aural perception though understanding of the reasons for this are unclear and our proposed programme of work can offer ways of growing understanding through experiment and cultural/intergenerational exchange.


Real-time Performances:

United VJS





As well as submissions from individuals we will be showing work from the following organisations and establishments: Bauhaus Universitata Weimar, Fachhochschule Kiel University of Applied Scinces, HFG of_Main, Ringling College of Art & Design, Fulldome Festival and Domefest.


